The book of Chronicles tells many of the stories of the scriptures all over again beginning at the beginning. The first word of Chronicles is “Adam.” And for 9 chapters, in 407 verses, Chronicles chronicles the peoples of the scriptures in a genealogy that runs from Adam to Saul’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandsons, Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan. Now I know we are in uncharted territory for some of you; I have found that most folk don’t choose genealogies to study in the church or in the academy. But I have to confess that I love the begats. You know, “this one begat that one,” and “that one begat this other one.” The begats.
However, the massive genealogy in Chronicles is more than a list of begettings and birthings. Chronicles also tells the story of many women who were left out of the stories from Adam to David – from Eve to Bathsheba – in other parts of the scriptures. There are stories woven into the fabric of Chronicles like the one in chapter 7 that forms our primary lesson.
1 Chronicles 7:20 The descendants of Ephraim were Shuthelah, and Bered his son, Tahath his son, Eleadah his son, Tahath his son, 21 Zabad his son, Shuthelah his son, and Ezer and Elead. Now the people of Gath, who were born in the land, killed them, because they came down to raid their cattle. 22 And their father Ephraim mourned many days, and his relatives came to comfort him. 23 Ephraim went in to his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to a son; and he named him Beriah (weeping), because disaster had befallen his house. 24 His daughter was Sheerah, who built both Lower and Upper Beth-horon, and Uzzen-sheerah.
Sheerah was a daughter-descendant of Ephraim, who was the son of Joseph. Now Joseph was living in Egypt when he married. He married an African sister, an Egyptian woman named Asenath. Their children Manasseh and Ephraim who were counted among the tribes of Israel were half-Egyptian, half-African, or as one of my bi-racial friends would say, “hafrican.” And Sheerah, the sister-builder was their daughter-descendant.
Eprhaim’s offspring are listed in a confusing jumble in 1 Chronicles 7, some are his children, some are his grandchildren, some may even be his great-grandchildren, v 20: The descendants of Ephraim were Shutelach, and Bered his son, Tahath his son, Eleadah his son, Tahath his son, Zabad his son, Shutelach his son, and Ezer and Elead.
But something happened to those young and perhaps even older men. A whole generation, maybe more, was lost, wiped out, because of the choices they made, v 21: Now the people of Gath, who were born in the land, killed them, because they came down to raid their cattle. Now I’m half-Texan which you may know was once a nationality and is now a culture, a language and some might argue a religion. And in Texas we have ways of dealing with cattle rustlers, you might say biblical ways, such as the ways employed by the people of Gath. And while it’s easy to read this text in light of Western classics like The High Plains Drifter and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Ephraim’s children and grand-children weren’t extras in a movie; they were his hope for the future and they were dead. The thug life killed everyone of them because they tried to be gangstas – but that’s another sermon…
The death of all of his descendants, children or children’s children, devastates Ephraim, v 22: And their father Ephraim mourned many days, and his relatives came to comfort him. Some folk in the house today have had to bury children, and some may have had to bury more than one. You know this is devastating. You don’t get over it, even as you figure out how to go on, the pain remains. And in inexplicable and unjustifiable mercy God chose to do something for Ephraim and his wife that doesn’t happen for everyone, God gave them another family.
Apparently, Ephraim has a little juice left in him, 23: Ephraim went into his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to a son; and he named him Beriah (weeping), because disaster had befallen his house. This is the only text in which Ephraim’s wife appears. When the Ephraimites are counted in Numbers, the other place where some of this genealogy is found, there is not even a passing reference to an ancestral mother. It was as if all of those birthings and begettings happened by magic, like menfolk could do that all on their own. Like it was the men who were throwing up and swelling up, walking around with their hands on their backs looking for their puffy ankles. It’s all right to tell the truth and say there’s a little sexism in the text, after all we’re talking about the Bronze Age after which the Iron Age will be cutting edge – no pun intended.
This is one of the things I like about the book of Chronicles, while the author is chronicling the begettings and birthings in Israel she – and the Chronicler could have been a woman – she stops to tell us about dozens of women in short stories and half-verses, many of whom we would know nothing about if it were not for the work of the Chronicler: There is Abraham’s other, other woman, Keturah, David’s sisters, Abigail and Zeruiah, some of David’s baby mamas, (a different) Abigail, Ahinoam, Haggith, Maacah, Abital and Eglah along with Sheerah the city-builder.
The scriptures tell us that she built three cities, but nothing else about her, v 24: His daughter was Sheerah, who built both Lower and Upper Beth-horon, and Uzzen-sheerah. Two of the three cities, Lower Beth-Horon and Upper Beth-Horon were on a hillside, one high above the other. The third city, Uzzen-Sheerah, is my favorite because she named it after herself – like all the men who built cities in the ancient and modern worlds. Uzzen-Sheerah means “listen to Sheerah.”
Using my sanctified imagination, I’m listening to Sheerah this morning. I hear her saying: I’ve got work to do. You don’t just build a city, whether you are a woman or a man, with no planning or preparation, not even in the Bronze or Iron Age. So then, how did Sheerah become a city-builder? Maybe it was it her childhood dream. We’ve got to stop telling children that can’t do something because we wouldn’t, couldn’t or didn’t. Maybe her family nurtured her dreams. But maybe her family and friends, neighbors and strangers told her she was crazy: You can’t build a city. What makes you think you can build a city? What city was ever built by a woman? Go get yourself a man and make some babies – or go cry about why you can’t get a man. Your people aren’t city-builders. Your people are thieves. Everybody knows what kind of people you came from. You can’t do it. If there were any naysayers, Sheerah didn’t listen them.
Sheerah started building. She had a dream, she had a plan, she had a vision, she had a calling; she had a commission. She was born to do this work; it was in her bones and in her blood, in her heart and in her hands. And it didn’t matter if nobody else understood. It didn’t matter what the other women and men were doing or saying.
She planned her work and she worked her plan. Somehow she learned to design and build cities. She chose the sites for her cities, taking into account water and other natural resources with an eye to defense. Maybe she had to go back to the drawing board, over and over again. Visions and dreams don’t always come to fruition the first time out. She didn’t quit when it got hard – and it got hard – she had to hire and supervise contactors and subcontractors. She had to manage her workforce: paid labor, forced labor and slave labor were the only options. She couldn’t be everywhere on the construction sites so she had to mentor some other women and maybe men to share in the responsibility. Maybe she had to make or commission architectural drawings. Could she even read? I don’t know, but I know she planned her work and she worked her plan.
Since it was the Iron Age or perhaps the Middle Bronze Age it may have mattered to some folk that the chief architect, and project manager was a woman, they could be kind of sexist in those days… And we’re no longer living in those days, right? I mean we’ve figured out that God has been using women to build, lead and change the world for more than four thousand years. Right? Sheerah didn’t let nobody turn her around. She got it done. She built her cities. She planned her work and she worked her plan. But she didn’t do it alone. She needed a whole city to get the work done: Her dream wasn’t hers alone. Someone else had to buy into it. It took a whole village to raise that city, clearing the land, quarrying the stone, transporting the stones – there had to be some men who didn’t mind taking orders from a woman, men who could see the vision, or men who if they couldn’t see the vision themselves trusted the woman with the vision, the plan, the call and the commission.
Before Sheerah built, she had to dig. She had to dig canals and trenches, sewers and ditches. I don’t imagine that she stood around giving orders all the time – although I’m sure she had to do that some of the time. I see her tying up her hair, rolling up her sleeves and doing the work with her own hands. When you’re giving birth to a vision, when you’re making your own dreams come true, when you’re doing what God called you to do, you don’t mind getting a little dirty, you don’t mind putting in the hard work and long hours.
She had to build her city in the right order. She couldn’t start with the wallpaper and the flower arrangements. She had to start in the dirt. She had to lay her foundation. She had to build her walls and those walls had to hold – they were still at war with some of the Canaanite nations. She had to choose which buildings would be built first. Sheerah built her own house; maybe she built a house for her mama and daddy if they were still alive. She built houses for her people and perhaps for folk she didn’t even know. And when she finished building her city, Sheerah didn’t retire. She built another city. And then she built one more. Sheerah never married or gave birth. That wasn’t her calling. Sheerah became the mother of cities. And her name lives on in the scriptures through her cities, the works of her hands.
The bible tells us about two of Sheerah’s cities, Upper Beth Horon and Lower Beth Horon. Many people know the story in Joshua about the day the sun stood still. But did you every why did the sun stand still at that exact moment in that exact place?
Joshua’s memoirs as preserved in the book that bears his name are full of war stories and he is their hero. Joshua claims a spectacular victory at Jericho and Ai, the archaeological record disagrees and Judges says that the Canaanites remained in the land, but something happened. Something big. And everyone knew it and told somebody who didn’t. Anyone who has spent time with veterans knows that each soldier’s story is different from another's, and all are different from the official story and they’re all true. More or less.
Word came to Gibeon that Israel was on the march, and they decided not to take any chances. They disguised themselves as travelers from far away and struck a deal with Joshua to spare them. Their neighbors, the five Amorite monarchs became furious and attacked them. And Joshua and Israel were duty-bound to protect them. So Joshua and his army marched all night – and there was no road from the camp in Gilgal to Gibeon. They must have been exhausted. They were in no condition to fight. But they had to fight; they had given their word. God held them to their word.
God could have told them to stand back and see the victory of the Lord, but that was another story. This time God said, “Don’t be afraid. I have handed them over to you.” Yet the Israelites had to do their part. They had to stand and fight even though they were exhausted. God confused the enemy and sent them into a panic; it was an easy victory for Israel.
And then something happened. They were all on the slope of a hill between two towns, Upper Beth-Horon and Lower Beth-Horon. The Israelites were already winning, the enemy was already panicked. They had already been beat back over 15 miles to Azekah and Makkedah. All of a sudden God began to hurl down stones from the heavens. Then came Joshua’s prayer for the sun to stand still which God granted.
Joshua 10:10 And the Holy One threw them into a panic before Israel, who inflicted a great slaughter on them at Gibeon, then chased them by the way of the ascent of Beth-horon, and struck them down as far as Azekah and Makkedah. 11 As they fled before Israel, while they were going down the slope of Beth-horon, the Ruler of Heavens and Earth threw down huge stones from the heavens on them as far as Azekah, and they died; there were more who died because of the hailstones than the Israelites killed with the sword. 12 On the day when the Holy One gave the Amorites over to the Israelites, Joshua spoke to the Holy One; and he said in the sight of Israel,
“Sun, stand still at Gibeon,
and Moon, in the valley of Aijalon.”
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,
until the nation took vengeance on their enemies.
But why did God add the hailstones? I think it has everything to do with Sheerah’s cities, Upper Beth-Horon and Lower Beth-Horon. For it was when the battle came to Sheerah’s front door that God stood up, stepped in and personally fought the battle. I’m going to suggest to you that God listened to Sheerah, who named her third city after herself, Uzzen-Sheerah, “listen to Sheerah.” God listened to her hopes and prayers for her cities and the people in them and when Sheerah’s cities were in trouble, God came to the rescue. God saved Sheerah’s cities. God’s saved Sheerah’s work. The work that she did speaks for her. The very stones bear witness to her faithfulness.
I said the stones bear witness, not bore witness, because Sheerah built on a firm foundation. Sheerah’s cities lasted for centuries after her death: Two hundred fifty years after Sheerah built her cities and God protected them, Solomon fortified her cities in 1 Kings 9:17. 2 Chronicles 8:5 explains that Solomon only added walls and towers and bars – you see the city was built on a firm foundation. Solomon didn’t have to relay Sheerah’s foundation.
Sheerah’s cities endured through the end of the Old Testament into the period of the Maccabees, more than a thousand years after she built them, the Maccabean warriors who took back the Temple of God in Jerusalem from the Greeks who desecrated it used Sheerah’s cities as their base of operations. And today, more than 3000 after Sheerah built her cities, the remains of Upper Beth Horon and Lower Beth Horon are visible in the Palestinian villages Beit Ur al Fuqua and Beit Ur al Tahat. Their foundations are still visible.
Sistren and brethren, let me ask you this morning? What are you building? What are you building for God? What are you building for your community? What are you building for those who will come after you? What legacy will you leave behind for the people of God to build on? And how are you building? Do you have a plan? Maybe you started out with a good blueprint but something went wrong along the way.
Are you building on a firm foundation? Are you building on level ground? Are you building on solid rock? Did you remember to lay a sewer system to remove all that pollutes or infects? Or has your building become infested and infected with dirt and disease? Is it time for you to clean house? Did you choose a good cornerstone to bear the weight of your building for generations to come? Are your walls straight? Are your windows cracked and crooked? Is your roof leaking? Or do you need to go back to the drawing board and start over? Brothers, if called has called you to work on a building project would you turn up your nose if God chooses a woman to be the foreman?
Build your own cities if that’s what God called you to do. Or help the woman or man called to lead the building project. Survey the promise that the Holy One of Sinai, your God, Sheerah’s God has given you. Draft a sketch of the contours of your city, from corner to corner. Remember you have to see your land in order to know how to build on it, how to account for the hills and valleys, and the even ground. Building a city is hard work. And when you lay your foundation, make sure you use solid rock. Build on the rock that is higher than you.
Build on your foundation. Build your city. Raise the walls; let the towers touch the skies. Fill it with your folk: family and friends, neighbors and strangers. And when your city comes under siege, and it will, when your enemies surround you like a flood, and they will, God will fight for you from the heavens to protect God’s work and if God lets it fall God will stay with you after the fall and strengthen your hands to build again. Now I can’t say that the s-u-n will stand still for you as it did for Sheerah, but I know the S-o-n will stand with and stand for you until he welcomes you to a city not made with hands. And who knows there just might be a little renovation going on in heaven since Sheerah the City-Builder crossed over from labor to reward.
In this season of celebration, stand on the promises of God. Claim your own inheritance. And particularly if you are God’s daughter, don’t let anyone get in your way. Stand in halls of power. Speak truth to power. Build your own city. And may your works praise you in the gates of the city you have built, for the builder of a house or city has more honor than the house or city.
In the name of the One who waded in the waters of Miryam’s womb, walked the way of suffering as one of the woman-born, and woke from the grasp of death in the deep darkness of the morning. Amen.
Union Baptist Church
Baltimore MD
20 May 2012
February 16, 2014 8:47 pmthank you for your comments–I just found sheerah in the bible after many times of reading the bible–I am 74 and although I have served God for many years as a minister, I know somehow I got away from God;s true mission for me–I am ordained and retired yet I believe that God has told me that in the winter of my life that I can still fulfil that calling thank you again and God bless
February 16, 2014 9:04 pmBlessings as you go forward.
March 29, 2018 9:29 amThis was an awesome read! Thank you for taking the time to research and share. I came across Sheerah’s name in my morning devotion and wanted to learn more about her. I love the revelation of God listening to her and the sun standing still☝. God bless you.
May 5, 2018 11:37 amI read the same devotional and just had to find out more about this great woman, Sheerah. Thank you, Wil, for your information and inspiration!
Brenda Russell
February 17, 2023 8:40 amCame across Sheerah in my morning study…and then found your teaching. Thank you so much. God bless you!
August 22, 2015 8:54 amExcellent article. I wish Rev. Gafney could carry this message to her African sistren here on the continent. She is most welcome!
January 7, 2016 4:53 pmThank you for this beautiful homily. I found it when looking up information on Sheerah after reading from 1 Chronicles in my daily devotions.
August 13, 2016 9:17 amMe too!! (Several months later.)
I am sure that the Lord wanted to urge me on in the work He has fore-ordained for me to do!
Grateful to this valuant servant and all the rest of you out there, serking to serve Him!!
Mary Louise
January 30, 2025 7:41 amYes, I also looked up Sheerah after reading about her one morning. I was thrilled to find that someone had done the research and written an article about her and her cities. Wonderful article.
August 4, 2016 10:02 pmJust wonderful! I read about Sherah tonight and couldn’t stop until I saw your article! I WILL use this for a LTML (Listen to my Life Group. Thank you!!!
Francine Walker
November 17, 2016 9:59 amAbsolutely powerful message!! Was captured by this story during my devotional/study. So glad the Chronicler recorded this one. Amazing! Thank you.
January 19, 2017 8:48 amWow, this is the scripture I woke up to today…. such powerful exposition. God bless you Rev. Gafney.
March 25, 2017 7:30 amThank you for sharing this good Word! Wish you were closer to Ohio so I could hear you speak, as I can ‘hear’ God’s voice in your writings
Glory Ilori
March 27, 2017 9:59 amThank you, Thank you, Amen.
April 7, 2017 12:26 pmThis was so good. I had never took note of Sheerah in the Bible; HOWEVER, I will never look at her the same again! Bless you.
April 30, 2017 6:37 amPowerful Word. I was just reading 1 Chronicles 7 & got to vs: 24 and was pondered on Sheerah. The Joly Spirit lead me to do a Google search. This site came up with a list of others-God directed me here! When the Lord speaks a Word, glory to be praised to His holy name. I am filled with joy untold.I hope that others will receive this wonderful revelation. Daughters of the Fatherare mighty. Amen
May 28, 2017 11:02 pmLove the info on Sheerah!! Thank you so much! God bless you!
May 30, 2017 6:44 pmThank you for sharing this! I was just reading in 2 Chronicles and never before had heard about Sheerah and the cities that she built so I decided to research it a little on the web and came across your blog post. It really encouraged me. God bless!
Kristina Pham
June 14, 2017 4:28 amPRAISE YOU SISTER! This revelation hit me so hard that God used a woman like Sheerah to build a city and pass on the legacy in which Joshua was blessed from!
Such a beautifully written article my sister – thank you!
July 10, 2017 9:16 amI, too, was led here by my one year NLT Bible reading yesterday! Couldn’t get that scripture out of my mind. Thank our dear Lord for including it in his Word-the sword of the Spirit-the offensive weapon for those who have put on the full armor of God!–Thank you for posting your sermon!
November 27, 2017 6:26 pmHi there,
My name is Sheerah, and it’s always great when people recognize the biblical roots of the name rather than the 80’s cartoon sidekick to He-Man. =)
Thank you for this powerful, stirring prose.
Patsy Chidembo
March 28, 2018 8:14 amToday is the first day l read about Sheerah and it was in a prayer item when l was browsing through the below website,
Aaagh I never new about this great woman, so l googled the name for the verse and voila, your website caught my attention.
My oh my, the way you expound on her and her calling, tugged at my heart..even if your article is 6years old, its still as sharp as a double edged sword into my heart. Thank you.
PS: am going to use your notes in a womens’ group l am in..kisses
Shout out to Texas from Windhoek, Namibia
March 29, 2018 12:05 amI’m so glad it was helpful. Bless you.
March 29, 2018 9:37 amGod has placed in my heart a desire to help others reach their potential. Although I am plagued with self doubt, I am encoraged today to continue to pursue that desire, to build on what God has placed in me to glorify him through the edification of his people. God bless Sheerah for the example she set and God bless you for shedding light on her enduring accomplishments. We work not just for today but for the benefit of generations to come!
March 29, 2018 9:48 amJust came across Sheerah today – don’t know how I missed her all these years. Google searched her to study a little and came across your blog post. Thank you for the insight. The Lord has given my husband and I a vision to literally build something. We are 8 years into waiting for the fulfillment. As you said, been laying the digging those figurative ditches and laying sewers and waters lines so we are ready to build when God says “GO!”. Great word for me today!
Stan G. Duncan
March 29, 2018 12:38 pmWil, I don’t know you from didley, I have no idea how your name ran into mine and we became fake friends on Facebook, and I have no idea why I got a link to your sermon today. But I’ve gotta tell you, girl, that’s a damn fine sermon. One of the best I’ve heard (read) in years. I may even steal a line or two from it one of these days (with correct attribution, of course.:-) ). Thanks for plowing through all the data and pouring out your creative juices to put it together.
C. Crowley
May 12, 2018 8:08 amI ran into Sheerah when reading the dull (and/or bloody) histories and was aghast that we never heard of her in my Baptist upbringing, which was very Biblically-oriented. I am a Congregationalist now, and haven’t heard word one about her there either. smh
July 4, 2018 5:13 pmoh my gosh!!!
i just love Sheerah!
i actually had an encouraging exhorting word using building houses, foundations and God having the plans to my life and situation like a builder has blueprints and that it has to have a sure strong foundation to support the “head” like on a body referring to my husband at the time… all hell had broken loose in my life at the time especially in my marriage…back in 2004… and my career just happen to be be in the new home building industry since 1987…so Jesus was really talking my lingo…. and NOW i just came across your blog today and just this last week came across the term “midrash” which i don’t believe i had ever heard of…..BUT GOD….will lead this horse to HIS WATER of HIS WORD of HIS PEOPLES cause i am always “THIRSTY” !
So Dr. Wil…. thank you much! i am a TEXAN too! so i can RELATE!!! better late than never to the party you have hear at Jesus Divine Gala… i have already emailed this to several of my lady intercessors…..YOU ROCK!!!
i look forward to eating much more from the fare hear at Jesus table…by the way you are a true “chef” of HIS WORD!!!
i don’t live by bread alone BUT by every WORD that proceeds out of the MOUTH of GOD!!!
thank you sister in Christ Jesus the REAL!
i am eating
and be=ing MERRY in the LORD!
Tracey Ivy
September 22, 2018 4:39 pmI just came across your blog and this beautiful sermon. This sermon knocked the ball out of the park for me. I am a UM minister, single with no children and I identify with Sheerah’s story. I came to a small rural town in western Oklahoma known for its racial divide and white male old-school dominance. Many women here have received formal educations in various professions mostly teachers and in an educational capacity. Yet, the white male dominance and white female subservient and superior attitude is alive and well. I am degreed in business administration and education and I hold a theological degree. I have worked in corporate America but my life’s work has always been in ministry. I am my congregations first black, single female pastor. For just over 2yrs I have been building and cultivating new relationships and a vision for a culture and a faith community that embraces all people. Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of community and world. Sheerah’s call and journey to building cities could not have been an easy one. Certainly, not in the time and culture, she lived in, but here we are preaching and teaching on the power of her work and cities she built thousands of years later. Thank you for your work and timely sermon, it is a word in season for me. May I use it as I continue to build in a town and church where the challenges and enemies are great? I shall prevail since God is for me and called me for such a time as this. Blessings
Kim Teal
October 1, 2018 7:45 amI was reading I Chronicles 6 and was intrigued by Sheerah. Wanting to know more, I googled her name and found this. What a fascinating story! Thank you for the exhortation and all the rich details. Who says reading a geneology is boring?! I feel challenged and inspired. God bless you!
Minnie Thomas
January 20, 2019 12:46 pmExcited to see this blog posted, I discovered it while teaching a class on Women of the Old Testament, Who they were and why they mattered. After reading your message on Sheerah! I found myself shouting “HOO-RAH for SHEERAH
January 24, 2019 6:52 pmThank you for taking the time write all that out! It was structured so well, the flow made sense, your personality is very engaging and it was so informative! Much like a few others here, I came across Sheerah in my morning devotion and was astounded that she would build THREE cities in a time ruled by men! I just had to learn more about her! What a gem she is!
Veronita Freeman-Nwaoha
January 29, 2019 6:11 pmGo day in Jesus, Thanks for your article on Sheerah. I’m with a book about contributions of Bible women. I wanted to see if there was any other info on Sheerah when I came across your beautiful and informative God continue to bless with more wisdom. Thanks again for knowledge to keep the biblical sisters alive
A. Victoria
February 1, 2019 2:24 amTHIS WAS AMAZING!!! It struck me so hard, I cried. Thank you! PRAISE GOD for this revelation!
Lisa Brush
March 8, 2019 9:22 pmThank you for pouring out your love for the Sisterhood I know it was meant for me to find this. What a beautiful revelation I have just received. Confirmation ❤️
July 4, 2019 10:33 amI just found Sheerah by accident I’m my morning readings and was stunned- what?!? A woman who built three cities?!?
Ive been a Christian all my life and I e never heard of this WHY NOT ?!?
I googled her and found this sermon page and it’s right on and just what I needed to hear today. God is good! And very creative at getting me to where he wants me to go! 🙂
J Butler
July 24, 2019 9:12 pmOutstanding article!! I was amazed to find it when I was reading through Chronicle with all the “begat” and this passage about Sheerah leaped out because she was a city builder. I was stunned and set out to learn more about Sheerah because I never heard about this story. I also agree there are so many nuggets in the “begat” and Sheerah is one greatest nuggets I discovered.
Thanks for taking the time to bring forth this message, which has encouraged my heart as a builder of communities through investing in people and properties!
February 14, 2020 11:15 amExcellent message. Revival
June 12, 2020 5:36 amYou speak directly from the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for this, this is a wonderful encouragement and a warcry for my spirit.
July 8, 2020 6:37 amThank you for your faithfulness in writing this. I came across it in my yearly devotional reading (and this time i didn’t skip any parts).
This spoke to me personally and deeply and i clearly understand my commission for building.
God bless you and keep you for His purposes.
July 9, 2020 8:11 amVery cool. I’m glad someone else got as excited about Sheerah as much as me! Thanks.
Mary Beth
April 29, 2021 11:30 am1 Chronicals 7 is part of my scripture reading today and I was so excited to hear this woman SHEERAH mentioned – and a woman who built THREE CITIES! I do struggle with this genealogy but you will have me reading with a bit more care in the future!
May 8, 2021 11:21 amWhat a powerful message. Thank you so much. I am always hesitant about being a strong woman and feeling the need to step back and keep quiet. I think of Deborah, the Judge of Israel also. God bless you and all who pass this way.
August 4, 2021 10:25 amI just looked Sheerah up because I was reading her passage this morning and hadn’t taken notice before. I wanted to know more about her and how she had managed to gain the engineering knowledge needed for such a feat at that time in history. What was her society like, that she was able to do this and get credit for it? Thank you for your thoughts on the subject.
March 18, 2022 3:27 amIt was very interesting to read your blog because my name is Sheera it’s written without the “h” but I was named after her-the city builder. I have one question regarding your blog, how is it possible that Sheerah was one of the “baby mamas” of the Kind David but then you write “she never married or had kids”. That contradicts the description. Don’t get me wrong I just want to if it was a mistake. Because I don’t see this in the Bible, that David had a wife named Sheerah – the city builder.
I’d love to hear your opinion on that, of course with the Bible as a receipt. Thank you and God bless!
March 18, 2022 3:32 pmJust bad punctuation. Sheerah along with David’s baby mama’s in Chronicles.
Chiquita Mitchell
May 5, 2022 3:17 pmAll I can say is WOW!
June 23, 2022 9:30 amThank you. A million times thank you. I discovered Sheerah about 6years ago & she is my favorite woman in the Bible. I’ve always been saddened that there isn’t much said about her & that she is only mentioned once in the Bible. Today I desided to research the key word from that verse she is mentioned in and I found your article (I am really glad that I found it). You have given me a new perspective on how to embrace her story & I will prayerfully continue my research to see if I can find out more on her.
Greg Ginn
July 9, 2023 9:00 amDuring a daily Bible reading today, I read about Sheerah and wanted to know more. Your sermon gave me much more than I had hoped for. thank you for sharing that and preaching the gospel.
Julia Bowling
August 13, 2023 9:46 amWow. Thank you SOO much for researching and writing this article, Sister! Not 10 minutes ago I was having one of those questioning, discouraged moments. Opened my Bible for my Bible reading of the day to I Chronicles 7. (I had my audio Bible app playing along simultaneously.) When I hit verse 24, I paused my audio and said, “Wait a minute..Sherah (KJV) built these cities? And what is their geographic location and what have they become now?” A quick Google search took me straight to your article.
Yes, the “begat” wording is a little confusing. Whether Sherah was Ephraim’s daughter or granddaughter, I also think that Ephraim poured into her life and taught her. Scarred by the loss of so many sons, I imagine that he might have said, “Traditions be hanged! I’m going to teach this little smart girl everything I know!”
Blessings on your day and on your ministry! In the second half of my life, walking with Jesus where He leads, I am encouraged today!
Sarah L. Sanderson
September 14, 2023 3:38 pmWhat a powerful word. I loved your sermon and I loved reading all the comments of everyone saying, “I just stumbled across Sheerah today… glad I found this!” …which is my story, too! I loved learning all of this and especially loved learning of the meaning of Uzzen-Sheerah: “listen to Sheerah.” To think that the Lord listens to us and protects what we have built! I am white, but I’m praying today for my Black women sisters: may the work of your hands be well established. May the Lord listen to you as you cry out to him, and protect all that you are building. And for those of us who are white, may we see the good work you all are doing and humbly join in to help you as you build our cities up for the Lord. Bless you today, Dr. Wil. Thank you for your powerful work.
Precious Nyarambi
January 24, 2024 3:44 pmSuch a beautiful story, well explained. I learned quite a lot. God bless you.
February 21, 2024 1:08 pmThank you so much for taking the time to pen this article. It spoke to me so much of how God chose to honor a woman in a time when men did not. Moreover, He brought men to her work so they, too, could witness the honoring. She wanted to be heard and God heard her. So beautiful.
February 21, 2025 10:47 amI came acrossSheerah during my study after reading a comment about her grandfather’s grief today and just wanted to know more. The Holy Spirit led me to your article and it is confirmation of what the Holy Spirit has been whispering to me. I am a civil engineer so deeply resonate with everything Thank you MayGod bless you