Blessed Martin, Pastor Prophet
Westminster Abbey
1. Holy God, you raise up prophets,
Praise and honor do we sing.
For your faithful, humble servant,
Doctor Martin Luther King.
Refrain: Blessed Martin, pastor, prophet,
You the mountaintop did see;
Blessed Martin, holy martyr:
Pray that we may all be free.
2. Moral conscience of his nation,
Reconciling black and white,
Dreamed he of a just society,
We must carry on his fight.
3. Teacher of Christ-like non-violence
To the outcast, poor and meek;
Greater weapon ‘gainst oppression
Is to turn the other cheek.
4. Preacher of Christ’s love for neighbor,
He won Nobel’s prize for peace;
Peoples, beat your swords to plough shares,
Wars ‘twixt nations all shall cease.
5. Champion of oppressed humanity
Suff’ring throughout all the world;
He offered pride and dignity
Let Christ’s banner be unfurled!
6. So, when felled by sniper?s bullet,
Under heavens overcast,
He could cry, “Thank God Almighty,
I am free, I’m free at last.”
Music by Carl Haywood
Words by Harold T. Lewis
Lift Ev’ry Voice & Sing Hymnal, The Episcopal Church
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