2 Samuel 6:16 As the ark of the Holy God came into the city of David, Michal bat Saul looked out of the window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Holy God; and she despised him in her heart… 23 And Michal bat Saul had no child to the day of her death.
I heard a voice say preach Michal’s story. Preach the story of a woman who loved a man who didn’t love her. Preach the story of a woman who never had children and died alone. Preach the story of a woman who loved a man of God who had other women and chose all of them over her. Preach the story of a woman who got left holding the bag when she helped the man she loved break out. Preach the story of a woman who got passed around from man to man by another man. Preach the story of a woman locked up and abandoned by the man she had risked everything for. Preach the story of a woman who found someone who loved her after everything she had been through and had that man and his love by the man she had once loved who never loved her. Preach the story of a woman who doesn’t get a happy ending in the bible. Preach that. But nobody wants to hear that.
In the bible, barren women get miraculous conceptions, pregnancies and live births. But not always. When people call the roll of barren or otherwise childless women for whom God provides children of their own flesh: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Samson’s mother, Hannah, the woman from Shunem – though she wasn’t asking for a child and Elizabeth they forget about Michal.
The psalmist (113:9) says: God gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children.
Wisdom (3:13) says: …blessed is the barren womanwho is undefiled, who has not entered into a sinful union; she will have fruit when God examines souls.
But in this world in which the bible is enshrined, the miracles are few and far between. Some, few women miraculously conceive against the odds. The overwhelming majority do not. God does not plant a little patriarch or savior in their womb. It’s not like the bible stories in this world in which the bible has become scripture. But we speak as though it is. Perhaps you’ve heard it. In the mostly black Christian circles in which I was formed and continue to seek my soul’s nurture I hear women spoken of with reference to their wombs, our wombs, my womb. Sometimes there’ll be an acknowledgement of those who cannot or do not choose to have children in a line, a single sentence. But here’s what they do not say:
Some of us were born with broken wombs. Some of us were born with dead wombs. Some of us were born without our wombs. Some of us have been attacked by our wombs for as long as we can remember. Some of our wombs were broken into, raped and scraped into inhospitality and infertility when were too young for our wombs to recover. Some of us have wombs that cannot or will not hold onto life – and we have tried, cried, paid and prayed for womb-life. Our wombs trickle, leak and squeeze – in heart and flesh rending pulses – the life out our wombs. Our wombs bleed when they should not, not a cleansing, healing flow but a chunky, membranous crimson, tide running down our legs, staining our clothes, soiling our sheets, embarrassing and humiliating us in public and private with our partners. Our wombs do not bleed when they should. They do not bleed because we have nothing to nurture with its rich blood. Our wombs don’t bother to bleed because they know we have no eggs, no ovaries or we ovaries and eggs that are not worth its blood. Some of our wombs hurt so much that they must be taken from us and no matter how much they hurt us we don’t want to let them go.
Some of our wombs hurt because they have been taken away from us and ache for the children they will never bear. Some of our wombs hurt because the life we have given has been snatched away. Some of our wombs hurt because death came for our child and we had to carry that dead body in our body to term and push it into the world in a grotesque parody of the birth we had planned. Some of our wombs hurt because the child we birthed didn’t survive the birthing. She didn’t last the day, the night. He didn’t live a week, a month, a year. Some of our wombs hurt because we can never accept out child’s death at any age. Some of our wombs hurt because they were perfectly healthy and desperately empty having never found anyone to love or be loved by.
I’m telling the story of Michal and her lonely, empty, abandoned womb. For a moment I’m going to do what I argue against, reduce a woman to a hunk of meat, tie her identity to whether or not her body has performed the herteonormative act to which it has been reduced in patriarchy. Michal is a supporting character in David’s story. The story isn’t about her. It’s not interested in her well-being or whether she has her own relationship to God.
Now, some blame Michal for telling David about himself. This is dangerously close to victim blaming. We have been so conditioned to read with David and to read against women that many of us miss that Michal was telling the truth about him. David was dancing before his Lord but he was also dancing for the servingslavewomen: by the women of whom you have spoken, by them I shall be held in honor. In other words, they like it and I know it. Yes, Michal despised him in her heart and she had every reason to do so.
Michal had been used by her father to trap David and used by David to escape the trap. Her father used her body to punish David, giving her to another man as his wife – still married to David in the eyes of the law and in her heart, probably still in love with him, now she has to sleep with the strange new man her father has given her body to. How she must have longed for David the swashbuckling hero and rebel bandit to come to her rescue. And then he did, with two other women in tow.
Michal might have been content to live with David and his new wives, that was the way of kings and she was a king’s daughter. But David didn’t want her as a woman or a wife. He wanted her back as a possession. She was his and no one else could have her. He took her back and then he abandoned her. He failed to do for her what was commanded by the Torah; he failed to provide her with children. The text does not say that Michal was barren, that would mean she and David were having sex. It says she does not have a child, meaning that David did not give her one. David withheld himself, his body and his seed from her.
Michal had to watch as David impregnates Abigail and Ahinoam. Michal watches as David passes her by and married and impregnates Maacah multiple times. Michal watches as David passes her by and married and impregnates Haggith. Michal watches as David passes her by and married and impregnates Abital. Michal watches as David passes her by and married and impregnates Eglah. All of these wives and their children are listed before Michal sees David cutting a fool. Is there any wonder she despised him in her heart? It may have been the first time she had seen him in person since he took her back. Michal will later have to watch as David passes her by and rapes and impregnates and then marries Bathsheba.
Is there a word from the God who loves David so much it doesn’t matter what he does to any body or their body for Michal? I maintain God is God of all creations and that includes the folk on the margins of the very scriptures that proclaims God’s love for David while demonstrating how deeply unworthy he was of that love, let alone Michal’s. Because I know Michal is not just a character in David’s story, that there are childless, lonely, hurting women, women longing for the love a man that will never love them and women who lost the one who did, I have to ask where is God for Michal? Is there a word for her?
I might have to go beyond the bible to find a word for her because the bible isn’t concerned about her. But I am. Michal, I have a word for you:
Michal, baby, you are not your womb. Your value is not in what it does or doesn’t do, what you do, don’t or can’t do with it.
Michal, baby, live. Live. Live with it. And live without him. Live with it when it hurts. And it will. You don’t have to pretend it doesn’t hurt. Live with it. Live fully in joy and pain. Don’t let it cripple you. There are things you can’t do. There are things beyond your control. There are things you want that you’ll never have. Live with it. Live through it. And survive. You survived David; you can survive this.
The promise of God throughout all of scripture is Immanuel. If it is for anyone, it is for you. For you were despised and rejected men and deemed as one of no account. You were one from whom women and men hid their faces. God is with you, loving you through this life you didn’t choose and do not want.
There is a word from the Living, Loving God for you. It came through the poet who spoke for Isaiah and is numbered as the 54th chapter of that serial collaboration. It is written to Jerusalem after the Babylonian invasion slaughtered her children in the street and carried others off to Babylon to remake in their image. To comfort Jerusalem, Next-Gen-Isaiah draws on the image of a woman who never had children to lose. Lost in most translations is that the entire chapter is written in feminine grammar. Looking beneath and beyond the Jerusalem exile, I hear God speaking to Michal and all of the women whose wombs and hearts have been bruised, broken or broken in to.
Sing childless woman,
Woman, break out a song and rejoice, woman,
For more are the children of the devastated woman
than the children of the espoused woman,
says Yah.
Do not fear woman
for you will not be ashamed woman;
do not feel humiliated woman
for you will not be disgraced woman.
For the shame of your youth woman,
you will forget woman,
and the stigma of your widowhood, woman,
you will never remember, woman.
For your spouse woman,
is the One who made you woman.
Sovereign God of *Women Warriors
is God’s name.
And the Holy One of Israel
will redeem you woman ~
who is called God of all the earth.
For like a wife abandoned and abject in spirit ~
God has called you woman ~
For you were a rejected young bride,
says your God, woman.
For a brief space I abandoned you woman,
but in great mother-love I will gather you woman.
For a minute moment
I hid my face briefly from you woman.
But in eternally bonded love
I will mother-love you woman.
Your Redeemer, Woman, has spoken.
For the mountains may depart
and the hills may be shaken,
but my bonded love
will never be removed from you woman;
neither will my covenant of well-being
ever be shaken,
says God who **mother-loves you woman.
Afflicted woman,
uncomforted woman,
Look! I will set your bones with
ornamentation city-woman
and lay your foundation in sapphires woman.
I will give you ruby sunshine woman
and for your openings woman,
jewel stones
and for your boundary woman,
precious stones.
In righteousness will you be established, woman;
you will be far from oppression woman
so you will not fear woman
from terror
for it will not come on you, woman.
No weapon formed against you woman,
will succeed,
and every tongue that rises against you
woman for judgment,
you will condemn woman.
This is the heritage of the servants of God
And their righteousness is from me,
An oracle of God.
This is good news for the ones who don’t get that happy ending in spite of how much you fast and pray: You didn’t get married. You didn’t have a child. Your child did die. You lost your job, you lost your home, you lost your wife. Your husband took his life. Your child is going to die in that prison. God has not removed that cancer from your body. You were raped; you were incested and those memories won’t just go away. You are living with stuff you can’t tell anyone about. And you need a word for your life as it is right now. This is good news for those saints they don’t write songs about. For those of you who have named it and claimed it but didn’t get it. It good news for you who couldn’t take back what the devil stole for you.
God is Immanuel. And if God is Immanuel to anyone, God is Immanuel to Michal. God is Immanuel to Jerusalem, to Michal and to me. And to you. In our brokenness, in our wholeness, in our fullness, in our emptiness. God is with us. God is within us. God is and we are. Still here. Here and not alone. We are surrounded by the love of God that is greater than the failing love of friend, father or lover. In our places of isolation, abandonment, and self-exile we are held by the God who loves, heals, and restores, a God who is not swept away by romanticized readings of David and the despicable things he did to women. But we are held and loved by a God who chooses the weak, the vulnerable, the abused and mis-used.
It’s well past time to listen to the voices of women in the biblical text telling their Me Too stories about characters we have been taught to romanticize like certain now-fallen Hollywood idols. Michal despised David in her heart because he was despicable and I imagine God said, “I understand.”
[All translations of the biblical text are mine. In Isaiah 51 I used *Women-Warriors to highlight that צבאות is feminine plural and as a nod to some traditional rendering of angels as female, not to claim that the celestial beings are human or are gendered as we are. I translate רחם-love as **mother-love because the root also means womb.]
You can read more about Michal and the other women in David’s life in Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and of the Throne.
Revised for preaching in an Episcopal congregation here. Originally preached at a WomanPreach event.
carmelle Tidd
July 12, 2018 11:11 amThank you for sharing. I enjoy the way you view the bible and it’s meaning.
July 12, 2018 12:17 pmyou DID it again “Doc”…well DONE Dr. Wil Gafney! you brought us a WHOLE semi-TRUCK load of MANNA & insight well Beyond just the literal written WORD!!! cause it is ALIVE….it GROWS & multiplies like the two fish and five loaves of bread….it exPANds ….thank you for the a-BUN-DANCE of buns of MANNA straight from HEAVEN….I appreciate the PLATE you have so kindly SET before me in service of our servant King JESUS!!! at a table set before my enemies….a table set for two…me and my BELOVED JESUS….as in Psalm 23…. it’s by candle-LIGHT by the way…that is how I see it in my mind-of-Christ-EYES….
you are Amazing Lady!!!
keep serving…I AM always ready for another of YOUR wonder-FILLED entrees!
YUM!!! for I really don’t live by bread alone, BUT by EVERY WORD that proceeds out of the MOUTH of GOD!
thank you again for BEing HIS portion today for me! it is GOOD! mmm-mmm
I can’t believe I ate the WHOLE holy thang!
Barbara Summey Marshall
July 12, 2018 12:46 pmAmazing work Clergy Sister……
Tiffany Thorne
July 12, 2018 2:05 pmI love this, Dr. Gafney. Your writing never fails to light a fire in me. I hadn’t recalled who David’s mother was–some googling to find out opens up a whole new can of mess.
July 13, 2018 7:37 amWhat an awesome post.
I only wanted to say that it’s Isaiah 54.
Your descriptions made me cry, made me soar, and made me feel strong again.
thank you
Cynthia Turner
July 13, 2018 11:58 amI owe Michal a public apology. I am guilty of reading with David and disregarding her story. I will make good on this apology soon in an upcoming sermon. Thank you for this enlightenment.
Manoel Messias Silva Correia
February 14, 2025 3:17 pmParabéns guerreira, amei essa mensagem!
July 13, 2018 2:26 pmThis sermon is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for these words. I’ve needed them for quite some time.
July 14, 2018 11:20 amHeals my heart.
July 14, 2018 6:14 pmThank you, Dr. Gafney. I was so hungry for this Word. All week long, I’ve been wrestling with this lectionary text, seeking SOMEone who could name Michal, honor her, raise her up, invite her from the edge to the center. Praise be for your gifts, and all the ways the Spirit moves you.
Gye Miller
July 15, 2018 6:32 amThank you! Michal is one on my list of biblical women who get bad raps.
Paul Roberts
July 19, 2018 7:45 amThank you, Dr. Gafney. This sermon is like poetry in that it provokes the heart and mind, and lifts up pain that is seldom spoken. Preaching at its best. Very grateful.
July 20, 2018 8:49 pmi just want to say thank youbecause i cannot find the right words to express the deep gratitude and validation i feel having been blessed by your righteous words.
January 21, 2019 1:01 amRespectfully, I believe there is some key facts missing. I must admit I read majority of your blog but not all of it, so forgive me if I speak out of place. I am glad you are taking a look into Michal. Women in the bible are often times overlooked. She had a rough life.
However, in this story it plainly reads in KJV that David danced before the Lord because he was glad that he had the ark of the covenant. David was not concerned who was watching, Michal was. Its safe to say David’s heart was in the right place and Michal reacted probably how most of us wives/women would seeing our husband dance out of their clothing.
Also, because there was an ongoing war between the house of Saul and the house of David in 2 Sam 3, it could be that Michal could have been barren in order to cut off the seed of Saul. It could have just been plain ol’ God’s will. Saul and all of his sons died in previous chapters. I doubt that David would have personally abstained from giving her a child since he promised Saul, whom he revered greatly he would never cut off his seed,
‘”Swear now therefore unto me by the Lord , that thou wilt not cut off my seed after me, and that thou wilt not destroy my name out of my father’s house. And David sware unto Saul. And Saul went home; but David and his men gat them up unto the hold.
1 Samuel 24:21-22.
January 21, 2019 10:47 amChild, you were out of order when you said that you hadn’t read the whole piece but were going to comment anyway and then based your comments on what the the KJV said. When you can read the text in Hebrew then you can dispute with a biblical scholar and base your argument on actual textual evidence. In the meantime you would benefit from my longer treatment of Michal and the women in David’s family in my book Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and of the Throne. Further, you would be well served to address your attentions to your own inadequate command of the English language: “there is some key facts missing” demonstrates a lack of comprehension of subject-verb agreement.
May 12, 2020 5:50 amWhat you say here is what I got from reading this passage. I wondered what had turned Michals heart bitter toward David, and I thought it was that the traits of her father, jealousy, pride and insecurity, had finally come through. I guess it is hard not to be with all his other wives by this time, but it would be the fact of how she is dealing with it and her trust in the Lord, which is not evident. Therefore making her character an unbeliever in todays day.
She doesnt seem to repent to the Lord for the overflow of the heart, and so instead is cut off, which then cuts off the lineage of Saul.
I feel for her, but as a woman who trusts in the Lord have learnt that all our weaknesses can be brought to the Lord and He will be our strength through them all. But Michal doesnt show this and this is how she ends up the way she does.
July 5, 2023 5:24 amThat is right!
David was dancing and giving glory to God. Saul wanted glory for himself therefore he used His own daughter to be a trap for David. Saul was jealous of David his heart was evil. God did not want Saul over His people so I believe it was God’s plan that Micha did not have children. David care so much for Saul and his family that when he heard that Mephibosheth, Saul’s son was left he sent people to look for him. When Mephibosheth came to David, he was expecting to be killed and fell on his face and paid homage to him. David responded and said, “Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Johnathan and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father and you shall eat at my table always” (2 Samuel 9:7).
Ray Tetz
September 8, 2019 2:44 pmThank you for your passion and scholarship. I am challenged and blessed.
Pamela Ellis
November 27, 2019 8:06 amDavid did not rape Bathsheba. No, that is not all I took from your writing but this is all I am writing about.
November 27, 2019 9:21 amIf you’re going to disagree with a biblical scholar publicly, have something other than and easily disproven opinion.
Fr. Paul Dressler, OFM Cap.
July 2, 2020 6:56 amDear Reverend Wil, This morning I was reading this puzzling section of 2 Samuel in our Office of Readings (part of the Divine Office, I’m obliged as a Catholic priest to pray). So I just googled the question, “Why did Michal despise David?” I found some pretty boilerplate answers, but somehow through the miracle of Internet, I found my way to your most thought and heart provoking sermon. Wow (an apt theological word) your insights were stunning and I found myself on the verge of tears as your reflections called to mind the many Michals I know. Thank you so much!!! May God bless your ministry. YOU have been a special gift today. May we continue to help the many Michals find the GOOD news that GOD is indeed Immanuel. Peace and All Good,
Fr. Paul Dressler, OFM Capuchin
Rev. J. Caleb McClure
July 6, 2021 10:08 amDOC: Everything about this sermon is powerful – the lost, the least, and the lowly are surely lifted up. The translation of Isaiah 54 is so powerful and drives home what is certainly lost in the English with the constant refrain: woman. If it’s okay and with proper attribution – may I use your translation in worship?
Also, you’ve handled the haters in the comments beautifully. I only wish I was a student in your Hebrew classes, but happy to now be blessed by your writing. Continue being a blessing and PREACHING SISTER!
September 5, 2021 8:18 pmThank you for this. My name is Michelle and I relate with Michal in many ways. I was google searching for writings about her because so much can be inferred from the scripture but it leaves so much unspoken. You spoke to all of it. That eerily empty feeling the scripture left has been powerfully filled with your powerful words of truth. Just want to thank you.
Janice Broyles
October 6, 2022 8:03 pmDear Dr. Gafney,
I have no idea how I stumbled upon this blog post. I’m an author of Biblical fiction. In my books, I write about the relationship between David and Michal. I too have been shocked at the many sermons where blame is placed at her feet. This was a woman who loved David (the only mention in the Bible of a woman loving a man) and was ripped from him by a vengeful king (who also was her father). Even when preachers call her bitter, I want to stand up and ask, “But why is she bitter? What led her to that? What about David’s actions? Is there no recourse?”
However, his personal life was a mess. His oldest son rapes his half-sister. The other son kills him, and then he pursues the throne for himself.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for a wise and informative post. God loved Michal, just as He loves us. Just as He loved David. I wish that was preached too.
God richly bless you,
Janice Broyles
*Forgive typos. I write in haste.*
October 11, 2022 4:40 pmThis is rich and very engaging. I am glad I stumbled upon your page.
June 19, 2023 1:19 pmI like reading in between the lines of the bible. I like to Place myself in their shoes.
What if its black and white. Michal , after all she went through, was just bitter and that’s why she did’nt get the baby batter. There are consequences for our stances. Could she just be living it out? Then the sermon would be a different one, but that one has been spoken many times.
Percy John
August 16, 2023 6:40 amThe flow of thoughts from Michal’s perspective captured my attention on the author. This is the first time i come across such cascading thoughts to stand by Michal. I am desperate to know how about Michal’s stnd from Gods perspective precis and clear , without having to relate and assume
April 2, 2024 8:54 amHello Rev. Gafney!
I very much enjoyed this article; I found your perspective on David and Michal very interesting.
I am 60 (for another month) and an orthodox Jews who reads fluent Hebrew (and speaks near-fluent Hebrew). I like perspectives on the Tanakh by Christian scholars such as yourself, I find them very refreshing in an out-of-the-box (for me) sort of way.
I especially liked your very astute (sez me) comment: ‘The text does not say that Michal was barren.’ No, it does not. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel & Samson’s mother are described as barren. For Hanna, it says that G-d ‘shut up her womb’. But for Michal, it (uniquely) says she ‘had no children.’ This is the beauty of the Tanakh. You can read an account again & again and always learn something new. Thank you!
This sheds light on the nasty & unpleasant scene in II Samuel 6. 6:26 merely says: ‘Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked through the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.’ But in 6:20, when she actually confronts him and speaks to him, she adds something: ‘How glorious was the King of Israel today, who uncovered himself today before the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovers himself.’ David was a hunk, he was eye candy. Michal, from her high window, could see the ladies in the crowd checking him out as they enjoyed the show. And Michal could see that David knew it and loved it. In effect, she is telling him: ‘You display yourself like a slab of the beef you dished out (6:19) but me, your first wife, you ignore altogether?’
Michal & David is an intensely emotional, human drama. David saw Michal as a political trophy wife and meal ticket (look how many times the phrase “the king’s son-in-law” appears in I Samuel 18.) While it says twice that Michal loved David, all it says about him is ‘it pleased David well to be the king’s son-in-law’. That he saw her as a political prize may also be seen in II Samuel 3. In 3:14, to would-be-defector Abner, David describes her as ‘Michal, Saul’s daughter.’ But in the very next verse, to the ineffectual Ish-bosheth, he refers to her as ‘my wife Michal.’ If David is seen as reunited with Michal, the daughter of Saul, then that will be enough for all the loyalists of the House of Saul to join Abner in ditching the utterly uninspiring Ish-bosheth and going over to David. Once again, Michal is valuable to David as the daughter of Saul. But to her clueless brother, she is ‘my wife Michal.’
II Samuel 3:16-17 is a powerful scene. Here is Michal, being passed around like a football by her brother, David and Abner, while Paltiel, whom I see as the only man whoever really cared for her and loved her for who she was (simply Michal) and not for what she was (Saul’s daughter), sobs his eyes out until Abner cruelly tells him to stop and go home. And Michal, while Paltiel is weeping? Not a word. She trudges on in stunned silence. I think that is then and there that she finally realizes that David, who she risked her life and her father’s wrath, to save, doesn’t love her and likely never did.
Now we can understand why in II Samuel 6, she is referred to, exclusively, not as not “David’s wife” but as “Saul’s daughter” (even though he has been dead for +/- a decade). Because that’s all she can be at this point. That’s all she has left. She and David are still married, technically, legally. But they have no love and no life.
I would respectfully beg to differ with your characterization of David as “despicable.” I would prefer to say that how he treated Michal was despicable, that he behaved despicably rather. But I do think that David eventually realized how badly he had treated Michal. Avner tells Paltiel to stop crying & go home at a place called Bahurim. Bahurim is also where Saul’s (and therefore Michal’s) kinsman Shimei, the son of Gera, cursed David and threw stones at him as he fled from his son Absalom (II Samuel 16). David tells an incensed Abishai to let Shimei curse him because “the LORD has said unto him ‘Curse David'” and “the LORD has bidden him.” I think David realizes that he treated Michal terribly. Rabbi Amnon Bazak writes that it as if the tears shed by Paltiel turned into the stones that Shimei throws.
I look forward to reading more of your Tanakh commentary.
Be well & G-d bless!