Contact Wil Gafney through our contact form to book Wil for sermons, lectures, workshops, retreats & media
Please Note: I am not generally able to accept invitations with less than 9-12 months lead time and, I generally book 12-18 or even 24 months in advance.
Womanists Wading in the Word™ productions offer enrichment in the academic, religious and spiritual lives of individuals and institutions, church and synagogue congregations, clergy and lay persons, seminarians and students in academic religious disciplines through Dr. Gafney’s expertise in Hebrew biblical scholarship and womanist biblical scholarship through sermons, lectures, presentations, retreats, workshops and media requests any Wil Gafney book or other publication or on:
- Hebrew Bible
- Womanist/Feminist Biblical Interpretation
- Women Prophets and Prophets (broadly)
- Biblical Translation and Interpretation
- Preaching the Hebrew Bible
- Use of Scripture in the Public Square
- The Bible and Black Lives Matter
- White Supremacy in Biblical Interpretation and in the Church
- Dead Sea Scrolls and other Canons of Scripture
- Midrash and Rabbinic Literature
- Muslim, Jewish and Christian Interfaith Conversations
- Sermons and Adult Christian Education/Formation
Requests made at least six months in advance will generally be able to be accomodated. Requests made 12-18 months in advance are more likely to be fulfilled on the desired dates.
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Upcoming Events:
7-9 February, Coral Gables, FL, Coral Gables Congregational UCC, Lecture & Preaching
7 March, Calvary Episcopal Church, Memphis, Lenten preaching
20–27 May, Oxford University, Bampton Lectures
18 October, Diocese of Arizona, Keynote address
31 October-2 November, NYC, Middle Church & Freedom Rising Conference Presenter, Tickets:
1 February, Knippa Lecture, Grace Lutheran Church, Tulsa OK