All posts by: Wil

Are You My Sister?

Update: The image (below) I first used for the post was apparently altered by someone else without my knowledge. The original is above. I have decided to keep both. The truth is I and meany others understand “great” in the Trumpian context to mean “white.” My bones ache with the memories of white women’s betrayal...... Read More

America, Amerika, Amerikkka

America has revealed its true colors. Its core values are racism, sexism, misogyny, Islamophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. White folk, look to your uncles and aunties, sons and sisters. You have heard their jokes around your tables and left them unchallenged. They are you. These are your values. Misanthropy is a pitiful rallying cry. The fall of...... Read More

Interpreting the Bible in a Non-Biblical World

Elections are unbiblical. That’s all right because not everything biblical is godly. Too often I hear the adjective “biblical” used uncritically as a synonym for good, right, and the will of God. The desire to affirm what is biblical comes from a good place, love of the text and love of the One who inspired...... Read More

Faith without Faithfulness is Faithlessness

God has told you, children of earth, what is good. And what does the Holy One require of you? To do justice, love faithfully, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) James 2:14 Of what benefit is it, my sisters and brothers, if you say you have faith but do not have works?...... Read More

Gender, Poverty and the Bible

Sexual Politics and the Surveillance of Black Bodies: Implications for Gender & Poverty, a downhill at Friendship West Baptist Church sponsored by Brite Divinity School and Columbia University.... Read More

Love God Herself

2016_10_20 Wil Gafney from Candler School of Theology on Vimeo. Yes, I am black! and radiant– O city women watching me– As black as Kedar’s goathair tents Or Solomon’s fine tapestries. Will you disrobe me with your stares? The eyes of many morning suns Have pierced my skin, and now I shine Black as the...... Read More

Pray Like There’s A God Who Hears

As I prepared today’s sermon I found I could not get past the first verse: Jesus told a parable about the need to pray and not lose heart. Jesus told this parable because he knows we need to pray. We need to pray. Full stop. We need to pray. We need it. God doesn’t need...... Read More

St. Francis, Monsters and #BlackLivesMatter

Francis of Assisi was a rich, spoiled young man who liked to drink and dropped out of school. He daydreamed of being a heroic knight and went off to war in fancy armor that saved his life—not by deflecting blows but by marking him as someone who could be held for a ransom. It was...... Read More

Being Black In Public Is Exhausting

Being black in public is exhausting. I don’t know that I can do it this week. Public laments take their toll. Being seen, counted and representing is costly in currency that is not easily replaced or renewed. I live with the reality of being black all day every day. I can do without the performative...... Read More