Pentecost 8

The story behind this week’s first lesson is that God seems to have allowed herself to have reluctantly permitted Israel a king in spite of her own good judgment and, the objections of her prophet Samuel. It is one of the ironies of scripture and its interpretation that Samuel, person and the books that bear...... Read More

Pentecost 7

These readings offer thinly veiled critiques of monarchy, particularly suitable in an era where women are treated like chattel subjects dependent upon the whims of a despotic theocratic ruling class. Samuel is, surprisingly to many readers, anti-monarchy. He lists all that a king will take from the people and how they will find themselves enslaved...... Read More

Mary Magdalene: Preach Woman! Preach!

“Preach Woman! Preach!” is the call and response of, a theological educational community that trains and nurtures preachers in programs and cohorts for black women, persons of all genders, men and, all persons to authentically proclaim a justice-centered faith-full Word in partnerships with fully accredited seminaries and universities. In my sanctified imagination, I hear...... Read More

Pentecost 6

It wasn’t always like this… It was better when… The previous generation… In those days… Once upon a time… Much of the impetus for the production of scripture was looking back like the Sankofa bird. Looking back to songs and stories that have been passed down. But, not staying in the past. Looking to the...... Read More

Pentecost 5

The First Lesson reveals the unchanging consequences of war, women and children left to pick up the pieces after the slaughter ceases. We see that in stark fashion during the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine where those women and children who can, flee, while all men of war-fighting age are required to stay behind and join...... Read More

Pentecost 4

On this Sunday closest to America’s national holiday, the readings focus on lust, greed and power. A useful reminder that the American experiment is not an innocent endeavor. The pursuit of freedom included black troops and martyrs like Crispus Attucks but the legislated endowment of freedom allowed for and protected the enslavement of Africans, disenfranchisement...... Read More

After Roe: Freedom and Justice for Some

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20; Galatians 5:1,13-25; Luke 9:51-62   The video starts at my reading of the Gospel and preach at 23 minutes in. In the Name of God who is Majesty, Mercy and Mystery + For freedom Christ has set us free. But we are not all free. We live in...... Read More

Pentecost 3

…you all are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own possession… I make the decision to translate the second person plural as “you all” so the reader/hearer will know when the community is being addressed as a community.  This week in which women have been rendered less than persons in favor...... Read More

Pentecost 2

This is the part of the liturgical year where the lectionary can be confusing to those to whom it is new. Because the date of Easter moves (I have strong opinions about that and believe we should be on the orthodox calendar), we have varying numbers of weeks from Easter to Advent. Their readings are...... Read More

Trinity Sunday

Sovereign, Savior and Shelter; Author, Word, and Translator; Parent, Partner, and Friend; Majesty, Mercy, and Mystery; Creator, Christ, and Compassion; Potter, Vessel, and Holy Fire; Life, Liberation, and Love. A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church... Read More