Posts filed under: Sermon

Between Babel and Babble: Pentecost

Let us pray: Holy Spirit, transform us, our hearts and our homes, the Church and the world. Amen. The Church! The Church! The Church is on fire! We don’t need no water let the Holy Spirit burn! Pentecost is dramatic. It’s noisy. And it is Episcopalian. We are a Pentecostal church, but we tend to be...... Read More

Tabitha’s Story Before & After Her Resurrection

In the name of God who loves us, who is Love and bids us love one another. Amen. May I tell you the truth? As a Hebrew Bible scholar I’m always offended that in some parts of Easter and Pentecost the scriptures of Jesus are declared dispensable and replaced with the Acts of the Apostles....... Read More

A Lament for Violence

Holy Wednesday Sermon In the Name of God who hears our cries, bear our tears on her wings and empowers us to dry each other’s tears. Amen. Today is a day for lament, even though we will celebrate the Eucharist. The lessons call for lament. The state of the world calls for lament. The state...... Read More

Christ Our Mother

Image credit:  Christa by Edwina Sandys Let us pray: God of our mothers, Hagar, Sarah and Keturah, fold us under the shelter of your wings with all your children of every race and every faith. Amen. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have...... Read More

Black and Christian: An MLK Day Sermon

Let us pray: God who dreams in flesh and blood, teach us to respond to the cries of your people with justice, compassion and unfailing hope. Amen. God told Moses to say: I have heard the cry of the Israelites and I have seen how the Egyptians oppress them, press them, squeeze them. Exodus 3:9...... Read More

Embracing the Light & the Darkness in the Age of Black Lives Matter

Madonna and Child, Laura James Holy One of Old, open our eyes that we may see. Amen. In the beginning… Those words mark the beginning of the story of our faith. In the beginning God… At the birth of all things when nothing yet was birthed, there was God pregnant with all creation. In the...... Read More

Love. Sex. Money. Power. Death.

Love. Sex. Money. Power. Death. All of these things are present in and behind our lessons, particularly the first two, especially if you know where to look. Let us look with eyes wide open at the treasure house of the scriptures and see what they have to say to us across the expanse of time,...... Read More

Solomon’s Interfaith Prayer

1 Kings 8:41 And, when a foreigner, who is not of your people Israel, when such a one comes from a faraway land because of your Name— 42 For they shall hear of your great Name, and your powerful hand and your outstretched arm—when a foreigner comes and prays toward this house, 43 you, you...... Read More

Bathsheba & Black Lives Matter

Our first lesson could easily be and should be translated: 2 Sam 11:4 David sent emissaries to kidnap Bathsheba and she came to him then he raped her. Then she cleansed herself from her defilement and returned to her house. 5 [After some time] the woman conceived; and she sent and told David, “I am...... Read More

Pentecost: Something Old, Something New

My farewell sermon at the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas. (I decided to publish this unchanged because I believe this is a fit word for today.) I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your daughters and your sons shall prophesy; your young men shall see visions, and your elder men shall...... Read More