Posts tagged with: Lent

Prophets In Babylon

Prophets in Babylon   Jeremiah 29:1 These are the words of the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to the remainder of the elders among the exiles, and to the priests, the prophets, and all the people, the women, children, and men whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. 2...... Read More

A Time For Fasting But Not Today

Shrove Tuesday   (Cued up to amazing music ministry before sermon) Isaiah 25:1-10; Luke 5:29-37 (Gafney)   Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll!   In the Name of God who is Life, Liberation and Love. Jesus was posted up with the party people. They were getting their eat and their drink...... Read More

Love in the Wilderness

Let us pray: May the written word through the spoken word draw us to the living Word. Amen. Lent is a wilderness carved out in space and time with prayer, self-sacrifice, fasting, meditation, self-examination and, the study of the scriptures. All of these are wilderness ways. Yet, there is more than one kind of wilderness....... Read More

Feast of the Annunciation

Gentle Followers, I am behind and off-track. My calendar is a wilderness of commitments.  I wanted to leave you a world for the next nine months: Marytide. In the midst of the Lenten season as we prepare to walk the way of Calvary, a way of suffering and death, we are also walking the way...... Read More

Lent 5

The first lesson contains the words of a prophet speaking to Israel’s restoration after their decimation, deportations and exile. We read it affirming God’s fidelity past and present, without erasing or negating the original cultural context. The psalm is a riot of praise for all of God’s works. (Year W was not initially conceived of...... Read More

Hermeneutics of Reversal: Widow of Zarephath

  Let us pray: Wisdom of the Ages, whisper to us words of life from your words and mine. Amen.   Self-examination and repentance. Prayer, fasting and self-denial. Study of the scriptures and meditation upon them. These are the pillars of a holy Lent. Lent can be a hungry time. Hunger for things missed never...... Read More

Lent 3

The world is a hostile place. The garden stories in Genesis give voice to an ancestral memory that it was not always thus.  These stories also articulate the Iron Age theology the permeates much of the scriptures, that the difficulties humanity faces must be their own fault. Yet the world is also a glorious creation...... Read More

Lent 1

Umm, did you mean to/why did you use an Easter reading for Lent?! I received this text and call more than once. This week’s readings invite us to reflect on the whole of our human story from the dust of our creation to the hope of our redemption, to carry that story with us as...... Read More

Ash Wednesday

Psalm 51 symbolizes this season of repentance and reflection and at the same time its use as a liturgy of confession illustrates the need for A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church. The Church has long prayed this psalm without its first verse, the verse that frames the psalm as a confession for the sexual...... Read More

Christ Our Mother

Image credit:  Christa by Edwina Sandys Let us pray: God of our mothers, Hagar, Sarah and Keturah, fold us under the shelter of your wings with all your children of every race and every faith. Amen. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have...... Read More