Posts tagged with: Sonya Massey

Marked for Death

Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–10; Psalm 133; 2 Corinthians 2:14–16; Mark 14:3–9 A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church   In the name of the One who waded in the waters of Miryam’s womb, walked the way of suffering as one of the woman-born, and woke from the grasp of death in the deep darkness of the...... Read More

Sonya Massey’s Rebuke

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” ~ *the last words of Sonya Massey Every person raised in a certain kind of black church knows the power and gravity of those words. Those are the words to be said when facing the evil that has walked in your door and will soon take your...... Read More