Posts tagged with: white supremacy

Wisdom the Mother of Salvation

Wisdom the Mother of Salvation Epiphany V: A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church Year C Proverbs 8:1–4, 10–17; Psalm 111; James 3:13–18 ; Luke 7:18–35     Does not Wisdom call… Holy Fount of Wisdom, I dare suggest that is not the question. The question for our time is not, “is Wisdom calling.” It...... Read More

Between “Fix it Jesus” and “Stay Woke”

  Let us pray: Holy One of Old, open our eyes that we may see. Amen. Readings like these are why I felt called and compelled to create A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church. Here we are at the dawn of the season marking the Advent – first and, soon come – of a...... Read More

AmeriKKKa is a Racist Nation

America, AmeriKKKa, is a racist country. The United States is a racist nation. It is a white supremacist construct. This nation was built by the stolen labor of enslaved Africans on stolen land and cemented by the under-compensated torturous labor of abused Chinese immigrants. The working class and middle class built on this foundation –with...... Read More

The Mark of Cain: Marked for Death, Marked for Life

Let us pray: In the name of God whose mercy is just and whose justice is merciful. Amen. (Audio on multiple platforms available here.) To be black in America is to bear the Mark of Cain, not because God turned Cain black for his sin as generations of racist biblical interpreters proclaimed, but because this...... Read More

Jonathan Price Was Murdered and this Won’t Be the Last Time

A psalm of rage and lament to the tune of black women’s tears.... Read More

Riot Psalm

If I were to riot
I would riot against those institutions that actively harm Black people
I would riot against those businesses built on the stolen labor of Black people
I would riot against those churches built with bloodied Black hands...... Read More

Exegeting the Times: An Ordination Sermon

Speak life through words ancient and new, that we might serve you, serving those whom you love in life, in death, and in life beyond death. Amen. As I thought about what I want to say to Christian on the occasion of his ordination, remembering my first ordination 23 years and one day ago, it...... Read More

How Long Shall Justice Be Aborted?  Violence. A single word of scripture begets a thousand words. The prophet cried violence, screamed violence; hurled it at the skies and the God veiled within. Violence. Violence all around. Habakkuk’s people were under siege. He doesn’t tell us when he prophesied but we know ancient Israel lurched perpetually from one catastrophe to another,...... Read More

The Shadows of Easter

Let us pray: In the name of the One who waded in the waters of Miryam’s womb, walked the way of suffering as one of the woman-born, and woke from the grasp of death in the deep darkness of the morning. Amen.   Easter is beautiful. The warmth of the vigil fire; the light of the...... Read More

Biblical Studies in an Age of Unhooded White Supremacy

Invited lecture in response to white nationalist marches in Charlottesville. I, or rather my title, have misled you—if you were led at all: “Biblical Studies in an Age of Unhooded Racism.” White supremacy in biblical studies, like its get, racism, has never been hooded. Racism in the US has never been hooded. Racism in the...... Read More